“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.” Harold S. Geneen

While it's tempting to focus just on making money, it's important to remember that building a successful business takes time and experience. Do not press too much expectation on making money/profit at the starting point of a business; you need time and experience to build your dominion. Prioritizing experience can lead to greater success in the long run.

Instead of just focusing on making profits, take the time to invest in your business, your team, and your customers. Seek out learning opportunities, try new things, and make mistakes. It's through these experiences that you'll gain valuable knowledge and skills that will ultimately help you make more money in the future. Consider the tips on investments that have great results:-

Invest in yourself

“The big investment that I have ever made was investing in myself” Wallen Buffet

As an entrepreneur on the journey to success, you need to invest in yourself; you may now ask yourself how you can invest in yourself, the truth is that you can only do that by learning from others in your field of interest. The easiest way is by leading books, their articles, and other publications

Invest in your business

If you have some of your cash include it in your business financing strategy, it will immediately increase your likelihood of getting other kinds of startup funding. Do not be afraid to invest some of your own money in your company, and let potential investors and lenders know what you’ve put in.

Invest in your team

As entrepreneurs, we often pride ourselves on our strengths and capabilities. We believe that we can do it all alone and that our unique ideas and vision will lead to our success. However, that is true but we can achieve even much more by working on a team.

Building and leading a successful team takes time, effort, and dedication. However, the benefits of working in a team far offset the costs of working alone. By working together, you can achieve greater success and accomplish more than you ever could on your own

Invest in your customer

When it comes to building a successful business, there are countless factors to consider. From marketing and branding to product development and sales, many elements contribute to a company's success. But at the heart of it all, there's one key factor that I believe is essential: putting your customers first.

You see, a business isn't successful just because it's profitable. It's successful when it becomes mutually beneficial for both you and your customers. 

So, how do you put your customers first? Here are a few tips:

Listen to their needs 

The first step to creating value for your customers is to understand their needs. Take the time to listen to their feedback, learn about their pain points, and find out what they're looking for in a product or service.

Deliver on your promises 

Once you understand your customers' needs, it's important to deliver on your promises. Whether it's providing high-quality products or delivering exceptional customer service, make sure you're meeting and exceeding your customers' expectations.

Build strong relationships 

Building strong relationships with your customers is essential for long-term success. Take the time to connect with your customers, engage with them on social media, and show them that you value their business.

When you put your customers first, you're not only building a successful business, but you're also creating a culture of trust, loyalty, and mutual benefit.


Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. So take the time to build a strong foundation and invest in your growth as a business owner. The cash will come later, but the experience you gain will be valuable.

Sir, Seth

Sharing life experience, as others can learn from i.

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