Sometimes your family traps you and tells you that you can’t be made it because you are not intelligent enough, you don’t have enough visions, you don’t have enough education; they give you all negative kinds of stuff on the topic of your dream, and then you get those people on your group. Sometimes you need to go of them. The people who grouped with them are not good for you anymore, you have to leave them. Keep coming in with people who can be on your side and not against you. Do you know stead of choosing brothers and sisters, you can choose friends; friends are also brothers. You must remember that people are very important to our vision, but they must be the right people; do not feel that God will fulfil your dream by yourself, you need people to teach you, to help you, to train you, to expose you, to motivate you and help you to do the work, but remember they must be people who are good for you and not everybody.

In every case, I read the scripture that if God wants to use an individual, he usually takes him away from his home, you can trace the story of Ibrahim; God’s said “Ibrahim leave your home and your country” God used to take people away from their familiar because will always talk out of your dream. You must position yourself to people who believe and think as you do. Here are the principles to success next to people’s opinions that can catch your back:-


To be successful you need a passion, you need a purpose, you need to plan, you need people and you need to be persistent. Persistence is a consistent insistence that you have which you go after; that means you refuse to stop, and nobody can prevent you from accomplishing your goal, in other words, you will stand against every opposition, and every person try to prevent you; you will see them as a temporal enemies

Friends’ auditing

As the companies' financial auditing, you need to audit and make reviews to your friends around you. As a matter of fact that is not every friend you have is fitting to your plans; you need to select the best according to your current goals to accomplish. In this friend auditing you need to perform three kinds of stuff:-

First; Maintain

The truth is that there some of your friends are very potential and you do have not much time to spend with them, then now you need to plan to have more chances to interact with them

Second; Delete

There are some friends of yours but they are not beneficial to you and have no impact on your current goals to accomplish then you remove them away. The friend who was fitting to one accomplished goal is not necessarily fit another different goal

Remember deleted friends do not mean they are bad friends, but they probably graduate to that area of interest, so don’t feel upset.

Third; Register

Concerning your kind of goals to accomplish, you need to develop some behaviour and conduct then you need some new people to your life to make you hold such kinds of stuff, you have to register them to your friends' profile.

Increase your knowledge

There is the ultimate power to the person's knowledge the word of God in Proverbs 24:5 says “A man of knowledge increases strength” Then to win other people's opinions you have to know what is your dream for.

What your think is true and is possible to come into reality, what is missing is your efforts to cultivate it. Repeats reading this article, and then you will be the best at your plan this year.

It’s me, Sir Seth

Bye, until the next session; see you!

Sir, Seth

Sharing life experience, as others can learn from i.

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