"A product life cycle has three distinct stages, namely; new product, maturing product, standardized product." Raymond Vernon

Raymond Vernon, a Harvard Business School professor, developed the product life cycle theory. In the 1970s, Raymond Vernon introduced the notion of using a product's life cycle to explain global trade patterns, in the field of marketing. According to theory, as the demand for a newly created product grows, the home country starts exporting it to other nations. When the demand grows, local manufacturing plants are opened to meet the request. Moreover, the scenario covers the whole globe from time to time, thus making that product standardization.

From the fact of the Raymond Vernon product life cycle, the actual third stage of the product should be the decline stage, actually, anything starts, grow, and matured then the final stage is demising. Therefore, from the discussed Vernon's third stage of the product life "Standardization" refers to the acts of looking to the outside market where the same product might become a new one, thus avoiding its demise stage

Now, from the fact of product life cycle international trade theory the local businessman/entrepreneur can
enhance their small/simple business capital formations to a more diversified and complicated form of business, particularly the company initiative

It's true that most small businesses tend to save the local community, as the small scope of operations, then at a time the business override and reach the peak 'the maturity stage' it should probably decline as the next stage of its cycle of life. Most of these businesses fail/die because of the failure of the entrepreneur to seek another market where their product/service might go to renew the rule of thumb.

As the small business operates in a single local market, then after the business boom; this means the next stage refers to the business's demise. For the business rescue, the entrepreneur should now need to search for another market for his/her business, and for this case, the market does not need to be international markets rather the changing in the location within the same district, region, or country

For example, the booming business in District A in a country ABC should now establish the same business as the branch service in probably another location in A district, or in Region D in the same ABC country; this will play a big role in updating the business product life cycle to standardization.

This is just a simple way for the small business owner to escape from the rapid decline of their business capital, but also the escaping way from a long time doing business that fails to make the second birthday.


Sir, Seth

Sharing life experience, as others can learn from i.

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